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November 01, 2005


Forex Brokers
Well... round about every blog posts online don't have much originality as I found on yours.. Just keep updating much useful information so that reader like me would come back over and over again.
Dissertation Topics
Blogs are so informative where we get lots of information on any topic. Nice job keep it up!!
Online pharmacy
Chris ... great comments. Don't even get me started on IMs.
Affiliate Marketing Network
Good blog... very interesting
offshore outsourcing services
Good piece of writing... Regards, Offshore outsourcing
It has recently come to my attention that the redirect is the only feature Platinum has over the Technology In Perspective...good post...
I read over your blog, and i found it inquisitive, you may also try Advertising and Marketing Suppliers Network for more information. Regards brian
nice comments given
nice blog.keep it up.thanks.for more info please refer to our Advertising and Marketing Resources network
Paul Brown
Sales Managers have a wide variety of responsibilities in today's competitive landscape that they are faced with. This certainly makes finding the time for sales management and sales planning a challenge. In sales management we know the importance of executing sales with a sales plan. To ensure the passing of this skill to sales reps, we need to teach them to create a successful sales plan and execution strategy. Since time is limited, using sales templates and tools will help to maximize the interaction with Sales Reps to get the most measurable performance gains for the time spent.
Hi, You have an interesting blog. Hey do you want to access when you are away from your pc???? You can do it through your mobile and your phone doesn’t need to support internet or GPRS for this. Check out this MoDazzle site. MoDazzle gives you the opportunity to access SalesForce on your mobile via SMS and email without internet or GPRS. You can also access Linkedin and Facebook and other online services like Google maps Starbucks etc. Happy New Year.
U Little
Hey buddy! Nice blog that you maintain here.. I just chanced upon your blog surfing the blogosphere. I was thinking.. you could try out some interesting widgets on your page and spice it up with more relevant information. E.g try out the poster widget on with your relevant keywords. It has some of the best images i have ever seen.
Shailesh Naik
Technology is a media of communication . Whether it helps to socialize across continents or gets people away from each other in terms of physical interaction is a debate GEN NEXT ( future consumers ) feel more comfortable in interacting thru this media . They in future will buy , sell etc more thru tech media . So we all need to be ready for this change too
Scott Jones
Chris ... great comments. Don't even get me started on IMs. Great for quick thoughts for people located remotely. Not designed for conversation and in fact almost ensures a real conversation won't take place. It's almost like we are scared to actually talk and relate to one another. Perhaps it's an insecurity issue?
Chris Hamoen
Reminds me of the late 90's, when people started to believe that everyone would purchase online, increasing the value of marketing, and negating the need for a traditional field sales rep. Relationships are still very important! On another note - what do you think about co-workers IM'ing each other when they are 10 ft away?

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