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July 11, 2005


Scott Jones
My humble take on the matter is this ... if implemented and executed from a people/process/ technology perspective of execellence THEN our technology advances will allow our sales organizations to focus on the more important part of what we all do ... forging strong relationships with decision makers. That said, however, if not implemented and executed with excellence in mind OR if the sales folks don't use this time to forge stronger relationships, then it's all for naught. My feeling is that this happens more times than any of us would care to admit. It's a tricky balance ... but crucial nonetheless. This reinforces a conversation that I had this morning at one of my 5,400 offices around the world (Starbucks) with David Nour, Managing Partner, of The Nour Group. David puts on an excellent course on Relationship Currency that I have probably referenced previously.
Leonard Scott
As a long time practicing human resources consultant, I see no evidence of the use of technology for POSITIVE customer service. Endless voice loops, command prompts that don't relate to the questions customers call in with, 12 second performance standards for telephone information operators, absence of human availability for customer call ins, and time stealing customer service telephone prompt systems have destroyed customer service.
Tim Young
Chris, Great post. I believe you will hear companies talk less about 'sales cycles' and more about 'buying cycles', as they come to grips with this issue. It is critical that sales and marketing teams understand customer buying behavior and triggers and integrate their resources to "facilitate the buying process" to help customers solve problems and address needs, rather than selling their products based on perceived features and benefits. Pipeline management and understanding the true value of the pipeline will become much more difficult. Tim Young CEO X-Sells X-Sells' Blog on Sales Lead Management:

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